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Spring whistle counts are commonly used to index northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Available at.
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This Note argues that current environmental whistle-blower laws are too uncertain and lack adequate financial incentives and protections to attract meaningful
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Volume de manga:Whistle! Vol. 8, Date de sortie:11/01/2007. Sakurajosui est deux doigts de se qualifier pour le second tour du tournoi régional. Cependant
Whistle!, Vol. 8 (v. Daisuke Higuchi. Everybody has a dream, and for junior high school student Sho Kazamatsuri, that dream is simple: he wants to be the best
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Acoustic measurements on a vortex whistle corroborates earlier findings that the fre- enters a circular volume tangentially, spirals up, and exits with an increased rotation rate was fed a compressed air system of 8 bars.
The 900s (articulated 2-8-8-2, 2-6-6-2, and others) had chime whistles with rather long bells but not quite Stuart, Model Engineer, 1908 Vol 54 Issue 1291 p.
Individual patterns of whistling signals of four individuals were Dolphin (Trusiops truncates), Cetology, 1972, vol. 9, pp. 1 8.Google Scholar.
and night to make it happen. Packed with action, humor and teenage kicks, Whistle! Is a must-read for dreamers (and soccer fans) of all ages! Whistle! Vol. 8
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Our results suggest that capybara pups' whistles function as the isolation call in the whistles of individual pups? Revista Brasileira de Zoociências, vol. 8, p.
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